Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Freytags Pyramid in a Rose for Emily - 723 Words

Freytag’s Pyramid in A Rose for Emily Though a non-linear narrative, Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily fits well into the dramatic structure outlined in Freytag’s Pyramid. Exposition is centered around the death of the eponymous character, Emily Grierson, and details her history in the town of Jefferson. Moving backward in time, a deal between Emily and a former mayor, Colonel Sartoris, is discussed, in which Emily is remitted of all taxes due to a loan Emily’s father made to the town before his death. This expository information allows the reader to form a more substantive picture of Emily before the narrative actually begins. Faulkner establishes the tone of the story as cryptic and elliptical. Emily is someone who can only be known†¦show more content†¦Part four of the story represents falling action, as with the purchase of the arsenic the fate of Homer Barron has been settled. That the arrival of Emily’s family, or â€Å"kin† as Faulkner refers to them, is merely brushed upon in the vaguest terms serves as evidence- the focus of the story is elsewhere. All that is left here is for the story to unravel into the denouement, which comes of course with the discovery of her supposed husband’s corpse. Here, Faulkner pulls back the curtain and allows the reader to briefly glimpse some of the mystery behind Emily, and by simply suggesting at one perversion, he hints at a whole host of other strange activities. Thus the story is concluded not by solving the mystery, but rather by increasing its lurid allure. In a story, such as A Rose for Emily, which is as much about ambience as it is about creating drama, a small action can carry great weight. Emily’s very presence, â€Å"dear, inescapable, impervious, tranquil, and perverse,† shocks the small town of Jefferson out of entropy and into the life of narrative. Thus, though the story is nominally propelled along by curiosity over a strange odor emanating from her house, it is Emily he rself in the end that sustains the interest of the reader. Though Freytag’s Pyramid is an excellent guide for distilling dramatic structure from an otherwise elusive narrative, its application is limited. While the model

Monday, December 23, 2019

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke Essay - 698 Words

Hobbes and Locke both abandoned the thought of the divine right of monarchy. Both did not agree with the fact that the ruler or assembly would have all power over its citizens. So basically they were against Absolutism and their views were that of rebels in their time period. Theses two philosophers both held similar ideas but also have conflicting ideas pertaining to the citizens social contract with their rulers, Natural Condition of Mankind, and sovereignty. John Locke believed that citizens should give power to those who govern them but not absolute power. He suggested that the power must remain with the ruled (Fiero, 97). His social contract that he proposed was similar to Hobbes but†¦show more content†¦Thomas Hobbes believed that the social contract of the government and the people was that citizens should let themselves be ruled and that the ruler or assembly should have ultimate authority. He argues that if there was no government then humans would be out of control and ultimately perish. He also stressed that government was societys only hope for peace and security (Fiero 98). Hobbes ideas about the Natural Condition of Mankind was that humans were selfish, greedy, and war-like (Fiero 98). This shows that Hobbes believed that humans needed government in order to live and flourish. As for the sovereignty philosophy that Hobbes came up with was that power should reside in the state or ruler. The sovereign representative or the ruler was to provide safety for the people and to conduct this in a manner that does not harm the people or their well-being. Ultimately Hobbes supported government and stability in government for the well-being of the citizens. In conclusion, Hobbes and Locke both stated that cooperation between government and its citizens was necessary. Their thoughts on human nature tell us that we do need government for our own well-being and so that we have stability. Lockes philosophical ideas are better represented in Robinson Crusoe. In the novel, Defoe expresses theShow MoreRelatedJohn Locke And Thomas Hobbes886 Words   |  4 Pagesdiscuss the differences in political theories expressed by both John Locke and Thomas Hobbes. In, Leviathan, by Thomas Hobbes, and in, The Second Treatise of Government, by John Locke different theories of political legitimacy and definitions of the state of nature are described. The following paragraphs analyze multiple different points that are imperative to understanding these political theories. In the reading, Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes discusses what human existence is in the state of nature andRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke911 Words   |  4 Pagessocial contract theory, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke established many of the founding ideals that contemporary Liberalism is based on. While the shared many similar positions, there are some key distinctions to be made between the arguments Hobbes and Locke make in Leviathan and Second Treatise of Civil Government, respectively. In this paper I will argue the differences between how each of them viewed the right of the subjects to revolt from the sovereign. Thomas Hobbes published his most famousRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke Essay1441 Words   |  6 PagesEifling-Question 4 Hobbes and Locke During and after the English Revolution, a few philosophers expressed different views on their philosophical outlook and life experiences. Some of the most outstanding thinkers include Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. They had opposing views on governance matters, but the two, also, had striking similarities. In addition, the two represented an increasingly modernized European population that despised absolute kingship. Both Hobbes and Locke proposed a conceptionRead MoreJohn Locke And Thomas Hobbes1287 Words   |  6 Pagesknow how to balance and consider the nature of humankind and their rights. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were both political philosophers who developed theories about how the government should work. They set up their theories around The Natural Law and the Social Contract Theory. Although John Locke and Thomas Hobbes had a similar goal, their beliefs and opinions were definitely not the same. John Locke and Thomas Hobbes both believed in the Natural Law and the Social Contract Theory. They both developedRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke1346 Words   |  6 PagesContracts Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were two English political philosophers, who have had a lasting impact on modern political science. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke both spent much of their lives attempting to identify the best form of government. Locke and Hobbes were among the most prominent of theorists when it came to social contract and human rights. A Social Contract is an agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, are the twoRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke928 Words   |  4 Pagesthere is no formed society, government, laws, safety, etc. both Thomas Hobbes and John Locke take this into perspective while introducing a political view. As illustrated by Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Engels, they proposed political views on how human nature can prosper. Initially, Thomas Hobbes introduces a concept on the state of nature and its effects as well as how peace can be achieved. In Leviathan, Hobbes defines what living in a state of nature would be like and theRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke1494 Words   |  6 Pages1) Thomas Hobbes and John Locke share the basic assumption that a theory based off of abstract individualism, consent, sovereignty and reason will produce a peaceful and productive society. This theory is the liberal political theory, which is the philosophy of individual rights and a limited government. Both Hobbes and Locke both center the majority of their ideas off of how people’s lives should be based off of nature rights instead of natural law. This being said, people are also subject to theRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke888 Words   |  4 Pagesare very similar but diverge in the moments that solidify their stance on their opinion. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke is both political scientist who have made strides in the area of social contracts and share being natural law theorist also. Locke and all other natural law theorists assumed that man was by nature a social animal and there fore struck contracts with each other to secure safety among them. Hobbes assumed diff erently, thus his verdicts are very different from other natural law theoristsRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke1426 Words   |  6 PagesBy the second half of the 17th Century, England would experience one of the bloodiest conflicts in its history, ultimately serving to influence some of the most phenomenal political philosophers in Europe --Thomas Hobbes, and John Locke. England was in constant unrest, choosing new forms of government almost on a whim in desperate attempts to restore order in the Country. The English Civil War in 1642 etched a legacy of dread in the people of England, and the war only appeared more disastrous andRead MoreThomas Hobbes And John Locke1659 Words   |  7 Pagesmajority. The following pages show how modern social contract theory especially that of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, grew into the divisive issue it is in contemporary political philosophy. Modern social contract theory can trace its roots to prominent thinkers Thomas Hobbes and John Lock e. It is their thoughts on social contracts that lie at the center of the many spheres we are a part of. For Hobbes and Locke, social contract theory sought to analyze the relationship between rulers and the ruled

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Check Point Week 2 Criminal Justice Free Essays

CheckPointCrime Reporting and Rates Response| Write a 200- to 300-word response in which you address the following questions:What is the purpose of major crime-reporting programs? What makes a successful crime-reporting program in the United States? * How do crime rates relate to arrest rates and clearance rates? Is there a way to improve the correlation between crime rates, arrest rates, and clearance rates in the effort to combat criminal activity? Post your response as an attachment. | According to the text, â€Å"Crime statistics provide an overview of criminal activity. If used properly, a statistical picture of crime can serve as a powerful tool for creating social policy. We will write a custom essay sample on Check Point Week 2 Criminal Justice or any similar topic only for you Order Now Decision makers at all levels, including legislators, other elected officials, and administrators throughout the criminal justice system, rely on crime data to analyze and evaluate existing programs, to fashion and design new crime-control initiatives, to develop funding requests, and to plan new laws and crime control legislation. Many â€Å"get tough† policies, such as the three-strikes movement that swept the country during the 1990s, have been based in large part on the measured ineffectiveness of existing programs to reduce the incidence of repeat offending. † (chapter 2 Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st Century, Eleventh Edition, by Frank Schmalleger. Published by Prentice Hall. ) The clearance rate is calculated by dividing the number of crimes that are cleared by the total number of crimes recorded. Clearance rates can be very problematic for measuring the performance of the police services and for comparing different police services and this is possible because different police forces may employ a different way of measuring clearance rates. I think the number of clearance rates will vary depending on the crime rates in the precinct, reported or unreported. The crime rates relate to arrest rates as indicted by the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and possibly the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). There is no official predictor for criminal activity, however the higher the crime rate the higher the arrest rate. Greater population areas lend themselves to higher crime rates, although clearance rates are generally uniform across the nation with regard to particular crimes. There is an anomaly in criminology that shows increased arrests reduce crime but it is more of a measurement error because of the corollary where more arrests necessitate an increase in criminal activity as witnessed and/or reported. How to cite Check Point Week 2 Criminal Justice, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Communicating Key Audit in Independent Audit Report-Free Samples

Question: What Communicating Key Audit in Independent Audit Report? Answer: Introduction ASA701 Communicating key Audit Matters in independent Audit report deals with the Auditors responsibility to convey or to communicate the key Audit matters in the Audit report. Key audit matters communicated for more transparency about the performance of audit. It also provide more information to the proposed user of the financial statements so that they can understand the matters, which in the auditors professional judgement were the most significant in the audit of financial statements. Communicating key audit matters to the proposed users also helps them to understand the entity and the areas of significant management judgement in the financial statements, which has been audited by the auditor. The reason for introduction of this standard is to provide greater transparency regarding entity and its management to the users of financial statements of the company Key audit matters are those matters that are significant and require full attention of the auditor in performing audit. Key audit matters communicated to those charged with governance. Determination of Key Audit Matter(KAM) These matters are determined by taking into account the following:- Areas of higher risk of material misstatements. Significant judgement of auditor, which relates to areas of the financial statements, which have significant judgement regarding management, also includes accounting estimates, which are identified as estimation of uncertainty. Effect, which occurs on the significant transaction and event during the period Need for ASA701 Requirement for need of ASA701 Communicating key audit matters in independent audit report is developed for better transparency and for providing more and detailed information to end users of the financial statements of the entity, so that users have the knowledge of the entity they are trusting in. This standard is required to develop auditing standard that have an apparent public interest centre of attention and are of the uppermost eminence. Collapse of Lehman Brothers Collapse of Lehman brothers was the biggest financial collapse in the year 2008.This collapse brings huge recession in the economy. This bankruptcy was the vibrant indication to the investors of distress in the market, which was extreme from the reason of the crunch In case of Lehman one of the largest investment bank, unpredictable government course of action amplified obscurity. Reasons, which led to collapse of Lehman brothers. There were numerous reasons that led to the collapse of Lehman Bros. The main cause for the collapse were the liberation on the subprime mortgage. Maximum of the U.S banks similar to Lehman Brothers grabbed benefit of the bang preceding to 2007 and stretched enormous subprime mortgage advance. Basically these subprime mortgage loans are extended to the customers who does not have good credit score, which on the other hand would not be accepted if the customer have poor credit score. The main characteristic of this subprime mortgage advance was the changeable interest rate. Later on, these changeable interest rates became trouble for the borrowers as the ability to pay back their credits were confronted, because adjustable interest rates were comparatively higher than the interest rates they were formerly disbursing on their borrowings. Unfortunately, prices of houses began to fall drastically, the investors were unaware of the situation, as the assurances given by the executives that fall in house prices will not affect the company and its investors were in their minds. However, the higher interest rates give rise to immense default in addition to low prices of houses, the firm made vast losses globally. This resulted in loss of trust of investors in other investment banks (Siskos, 2017) Two mistakes can be pointed out here is that firms failure to sort correct forecasts for the future and execute counter approach when market circumstances altered. Second point should be the negligence of top executives. They might have known these future alterations regarding loan scheme, but were busy in making their own profit or in other words misusing their positions Too much borrowing causing high leverages is another reason for bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. Other reason for the Lehman Brothers collapse was the perversion of the disclosure or revelation of repos transactions. Absence of competent and operational risk management policies also led to the collapse of Lehman Brother. Failed bail out and takeovers also led to the downfall of Lehman Brothers. The Firm faces huge Losses and this led to the disposal of some of their subsidiaries. Assets were disposed due to huge losses of around $3 billion in its second quarter. By September 2008, the Losses were around $4 billion, which make them to sell their shares. As investors lost confidence, stock prices lost its half of the value (Norbel, 2017). Briefly the causes of the collapse of Lehman brothers are:- Collapse of Lehman Brother headed to hard times in the action of numerous businesses in U.S and globally. Only in U.S Lehmans failure results in depreciation in price of properties. Lehmans collapse also results in writing off nearly $47 million debts owed to the Federal Agricultural Corporation. Losses of jobs in huge number were resulted from Lehmans demise. Firms stock prices falls, which had impact on the investment of the investor. This event had huge impact on its creditors and investors. Lehmans Bankruptcy had critical effects on some major companies and institutions outside United States and Europe who has big business with the Firm. Auditing issues surrounding the collapse of Lehmans Brother: Collapse of Lehman Brother was surrounded many audit issues such as external auditors fails to identify the occurrence of the timing of the repos transactions. Failure of external auditors to realise that Lehmans had broken generally accepted accounting principles i.e. obligation to make sure that all-important events that are probable to a firms financial statements should be revealed. In absence of acceptable and unambiguous standard to guide all these transactions critically contributed to Collapse of Lehman Brother. Failure of auditors by not identifying the financial misconducts by executives of Lehman (Fox, 2017). The auditors in the financial statements could easily identify the main pointers of deception. Downfall of Lehman Brother not only affected U.S economy but also resulted in financial crisis worldwide. Reasons which led to the Downfall has been discussed earlier also the auditing issues related to such downfall. In order to enhance the report quality, increment of transparency, and to increase the accountability to the users of the financial statements of the entity they are investing or dealing in resulted in the introduction of ASA701 communicating key audit matters in the independent audit report (Azadinamin, 2017) Lack of disclosure of consistent accounting policies, lack of communication of the material misstatements to those charged with governance, lack of unambiguous standard to guide all the transactions in Lehmans case, breach of generally accepted accounting standards calls for the introduction new accounting standard. Year 2008 was the phase of global financial crisis, which involves the perplexing situation for the companies and their auditors. Economic state of affairs were deteriorating markets were illiquid. There were complications in sustaining liquidity and retrieving funds through financial institutions, shares and asset sale. During this period there were problems for the auditors to obtain sufficient audit evidence. Auditors are likely to counter the rise in risk by increment in their professional suspicion. There were three approaches open for the auditors to accomplish audit risk:- Give resignation to the clients having higher risks. Increment in the susceptibility to issue modified audit report To increase the effort in auditing. Resigning from the risky clients were not so easy step. Hence, two approaches changes in the susceptibility to issue going concern modification and to increase the audit effort These situations burdened auditors with additional pressure because if auditors do not Point the key auditing matters to clients before they fail because this may become the Cause of penalties for auditors. Where there is a substantial uncertainty that their clients will stay as a going concern both ASA570 and ASA701 necessitate auditors to amend their audit judgement. Hence above mentioned circumstances resulted in introduction of new auditing standard ASA701 communicating key audit matters in the independent audit report. This standard ASA701 communicating key audit matters in independent audit report provides greater transparency, more information to the shareholders and investors. Requirements of ASA701: Users of financial statements shows more interest in the matters in which auditors has the vigorous communication with those charged with governance, as stated in SSA260. Necessitates auditors to communicate the key audit matters with those charged with governance, which not only is the reason for increased communication between auditors and with those charged with governance. Increased communication with those charged with governance will bring to the notice of management of the entity to revelations in the financial statements, which are referred in audit report. SSA 320 materiality in planning and performing the audit, clarifies that it is sound to the auditor to adopt that the users of financial statements : Having knowledge of the entity and economic activities of the entity and accounting of the entity and have the inclination to study the facts in financial statements with sound attentiveness. Apprehend that financial statements are equipped and audited considering materiality. Realisation of uncertainties involved in future estimations judgements and events. Making sound decisions based on the financial information of the financial statements (Audit reporting, 2017) Requirement of disclosure of key audit matters in case ASA701 is applicable to Lehman Brothers during that time: There should be transparency in the internal controls performed for the safekeeping of assets under prime brokerage. Lehman Brothers lacks transparency in their internal controls performance. Investor looks for assurance that the custodians of these assets perform proper internal controls related to assets under mortgage. There was lack of management, extent of monitoring liquidity risk. Lack of understanding of counterparty default risk, credit risk involved in the transactions. Non-disclosure of significant events and transactions in the financial statements of the firm, which lead to the breach of generally, accepted principles of accounting. Financial misconduct by executives of Lehman is the key audit matter. Identification of timing of 105 repos transaction could be communicated to those charged with governance. Extreme losses need to be communicated and disclosed in the audit report. Lack of correct forecast to be gathered with counter approach to the changed market condition. Risk involved in prime mortgage loan. These Key audit matters are required to be disclosed in independent audit report. Each key audit matter should be separately disclosed. Key audit matter should be separately disclosed under subheading in the audit report. This will be an improvement in auditing practises as it enhances the transparency in internal controls, communication between auditor and management and provide additional information, which helps the investors and shareholders to have knowledge about the entity. The importance of the key audit matter in regard to the audit of financial statement may be recognized by association between key audit matter and other essentials of audit report. Collapse of Lehman Brothers was not forewarned in the auditors report which gave and unqualified report before its collapse because auditors were failed to identify the timing of repos transaction, they failed to identify the credit risk involved and materiality of the transactions, they failed to identify the financial misconduct mad by the executives of the Lehman. After introduction ASA701 communication of key audit matters in independent audit report not only increase the quality of audit work as well as enhance the auditors effort to determine the significant audit matter and to make disclosure of those in audit report as well as communication with those charged with governance. Conclusion:- From the collapse of Lehman brothers following points of failures have been highlighted: Poor political actions, 105repos transactions, failed bailouts, poor management, poor financial practises, liquidity crunch, non-disclosures of significant transactions and events in financial statements and failed auditing practises. This downfall was one of the biggest downfall in the history of U.S economy which also have a huge impact on global economy as well, which necessitates the introduction of ASA701 communicating key audit matters in independent audit report. Auditor should communicate the key audit matter, which was disclosed in the report with those charged with governance. Downfall of Lehman not only applies to financial service industry but it also provides the lessons about corporate governance that relate to all companies. Recommendation would be to be practical and pursue reasonable business approach. Enforcement of strict regulatory measures that is the investment banks should act in accordance with their factual financial capability in place of deceiving anyone in order to acquire financial support. Investment banks should have controllable leverage ratios. To retain the investor confidence is a big deal, this can be achieved through strict lawful and authoritarian framework. Lehman acted immorally by breaching reliability of standards in its use and violating accounting requisite by manipulating financial statements. Apart from the above Lehman were lacking risk management practises and flexible capital structure. The new audit standard ASA701 was developed in the wake of the global financial crisis in particular of Lehman brothers. References Norbel , M(2017).Lehman brothers. [online] Available at: https://www.heritage.org/report/lehman-brothers-bankruptcy-and-the-financial-crisis-lessons-learnedhtml [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[1] Siskos, D(2017).Lehman brothers case. [online] Available at: https://www.thinkingfinance.info/uploads/1/7/7/1/17713111/dimitrios_siskos.pdf [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[2] Auditing ans Assurance standards board [online]ASA 701 Available at: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2006L01403 [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[3] Siskos, D(2017).Lehman brothers case. [online] Available at: https://www.thinkingfinance.info/uploads/1/7/7/1/17713111/dimitrios_siskos.pdf [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[4] Lehman brother bankruptcy(2017).Lehman brothers. [online] Available at: https://www.pwc.com/jg/en/events/lessons-learned-for-the-survivors.pdf [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[5] Fox, J(2017).Three lessons of the Lehman brothers collapse . [online] Available at: https://content.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1923197,00.html [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[6] Audit Reporting(2017).ASA 701 [online] Available at: https://www.ifac.org/system/files/meetings/files/20140311-IAASBCAG-Agenda_Item_C1-Auditor_Reporting-Key_Audit_Matters-final.pdf [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[7] Fox, J(2017).Three lessons of the Lehman brothers collapse . [online] Available at: https://content.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1923197,00.html [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[8] Azadinamin, A(2017).The bakruptcy of lehman and brothers. [online] Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/230687440_The_Bankruptcy_of_Lehman_Brothers_Causes_of_Failure_Recommendations_Going_Forward [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[9] Mewtour , M(2017). Failure of Lehman brothers. [online] Available at: https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/RJFA/article/viewFile/11290/11598 [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[10] Audit Reporting(2017).ASA 701 [online] Available at: https://www.ifac.org/system/files/meetings/files/20140311-IAASBCAG-Agenda_Item_C1-Auditor_Reporting-Key_Audit_Matters-final.pdf [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[11]