Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Problem Of Children Intelligence Test Scores - 1653 Words

Nowadays, the global is facing the same pressure in early childhood education; many countries’ education system start to teach children academic skills at progressively younger age; because of the concerns about falling behind peers in their later the school aged. However, these early-accelerated preschool programs do not necessarily guarantee future academic success. Even worse, that may cause children’s social and emotional problems in the future (Marcon, 2002). More and more researchers suggest that through engagement in The Vygotskian theory of make-believe play, young children will be on the right track of cognitive development, then master necessary prerequisites of academic skills. During the past decades, many types of research†¦show more content†¦In the article, Accelerating Cognitive Development: Helpful or Harmful to Children? Lois Nelson argued that accelerate cognitive-developmental program could indeed produce short-term gains, but these gains can’t maintain for the longer term. Even worse, any benefits of acceleration were shortly retained only in childhood year, but this will make effects on decreasing motivation for learning in later life (Nelson, 1973, p. 257). As for children who have been pushed to learn the inappropriate concept, those pushed will let children losing interests in learning new things. Beyond being fun for children, make-believe play has been considered as a necessary early childhood activity. During playing, kids pretend different roles, and they may need to incorporate with others to imagine various circumstances and regulate themselves by following rules of the game scene. Vygotsky viewed make-believe play as a sole, broadly influential zone of proximal development where children’s learning takes place within. The make-believe play makes kids trying out full various challenging skills in the way to advance children themselves (Vygotsky, 1933/ 1978). In Vygotsky’ theory, make-believe play is the core to lead children learning development; it helps children to create an imaginary situations and make them act before thinking. While children are pretending, they changed the meaning of usual things by creatingShow MoreRelatedIq Tests And The Iq Test Essay1743 Words   |  7 Pagesrepresent the a person s reasoning and problem solving ability, usually representing the person s score on an intelligence test which consists of several IQ standardized tests. Intelligence quotient term is given by William Stern. Two of the most widely recognized are the Stanford - Binet Intelligence Scales and the Wechsler tests. There are varies online questionnai res IQ tests. 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