Monday, November 11, 2019

Against Working Mothers

Fatima Saucedo Mr. Lewton English 101 6 December 2012 The Value of Stay-At-Home Moms Now days, many people tend to look down at stay-at-home moms rather than working mothers. This happens to many women, making it more difficult for them to choose between their children or work. For the first time in twenty-five years, the percentage of mothers returning to the workforce has fallen from fifty-nine percent in 1998 to fifty-five percent in 2000 (Adrienne Fox, Jan. 2002). This shows that women have more of a lifestyle choice rather than an economic choice.For mothers, it is a hard decision to make, but staying at home with their children is a better choice. Children need the affection and attention of their mothers. The reason I am against working mothers is because it is important to have a motherly figure during growth, as children behave better, and daycare is not the appropriate substitution for proper motherly care. Stay-at-home mothers also have the privilege of enjoying their chil dren’s â€Å"firsts†. Their first steps, their first words, and their first haircut.Experiencing these â€Å"firsts† while giving them praise and encouragement will induce children to feel secure and wanted. According to Dr. Laurence Steinberg, a professor of physiology at Temple University in Philadelphia, good parenting helps lower the chances for anxiety, depression, eating disorders, antisocial behavior, alcohol and drug use. No mother would want their children growing up with a higher chance of these disorders or behaviors. Having a mother at home brings daughter and son to mother relationships closer, not only physically but also emotionally as well.Infants who receive enough attention †¦ from a loving adult right from the start are more likely to succeed socially and emotionally (Betty Holcomb)       It is risky for infants to be away from their moms for more than twenty hours per week. Psychologists claim babies who are separated from their moth ers may tend to act out in school, cause trouble in life, or even have poor relationships as adults (Betty Holcomb). A very important advantage a mother has is she can discipline her child more consistently when being at home.The child’s values and morals can be guided. Kids are going to behave better and act out less for attention; especially if these values and morals are enforced since newborns. Not only will they behave well in school, they will have good grades. This is because parents will be able to manage their time more effectively to be able to focus on their children’s education. The children’s homework will be making sure it is completed, with a stay-at-home mom looking out for them.In some families, it is actually less expensive for one parent to stay at home than to pay for childcare. Not only the cost of childcare is saved, there is also the issue of feeding the family. If there is a stay-at-home mom, the need for quick â€Å"take-out food† is dramatically reduced. This is usually the case for working mothers, because they are either too tired or do not have enough time to cook a meal for her family. Also, mothers do not need to worry about how their child is doing in daycare.Two studies, one by the National Institute of Child Health & Development and the other by the Institute of Child Development from the University of Minnesota have both found that children who spend all day in daycare have higher levels of stress and aggression than kids who stay at home with moms. The research in the year 2010 confirmed these results. They show that it continues to negatively impact even after they’ve reached adolescence. Just like the other studies, biological psychologist Megan Gunnar and her colleagues found stress in babies.In their research, three-month old babies who received the mother’s consistent care had less cortisol stress than those who did not (The Natural Child Project). On the other side, studies cla im that children of working mothers have more chances of being successful in life. From 1975 to 1990, the work labor force for women has grown especially for those with children (Howard Hayghe 1998). Mothers like to be independent and have a feeling of satisfaction; it makes them happier, therefore better mothers. They can’t be fulfilling happy if the know someone else is enjoying them in daycare.According to the opponents, children who are in daycare starting from one month and on have a better language and cognitive ability than children at home. Due to this they will tend to have higher reading scores as well (Peters 1997). Because it is important to have a motherly figure during growth, as children behave better, and daycare is not the appropriate substitution for proper motherly care, mothers should take in mind of staying at home with their children. Children shouldn’t be forced to a routine out of their reach. Not only will children of stay-at-home moms will be comfortable, but mom will too.

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