Monday, November 18, 2019

The big brother Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The big brother - Essay Example We had realized this basic fact even centuries ago. An authority to rule and regularize is a must for the very survival of a society. All the systems which do not own such a surveillance arrangement will get only history of failure. Either other forces win over them or they perish by themselves. Realizing the unavoidable role of an administrative authority, we are pursuing the search for finding good models. Many options are developed, but still difficult to point out a perfect one. Developing new models, facing problems when they are attempted practically, trying for other forms- this set of activities is a continuing process. It is not sure whether we can reach a completely foolproof system. Anyway the necessity of administrative systems makes it relevant to continue with the discussions and studies on this topic. Different administrative systems are having different features. On common points different systems may have contradictory approaches also. There will be people to support both the approaches. So it is difficult to rate administrative systems and differentiate as good or bad. The only thing one can do is to compare and explain merits and demerits of each and all systems. We can name enough administrative forms like democracy, imperialism and autocracy. But when we start discussing about one particular system it is quite sure to think about other systems also. Of course, in such thoughts and discussions some terms also will be so common. Big Brother is one among the very important and popular term in these sorts of studies. For so long the term is in use among students of administrative systems. The term Big Brother was used first by George Orwell in his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. (,M1). Big Brother is being presented as the all powerful dictator of Oceania state. Oceania is a totalitarian state where the ruling party is all important and superior to all other power centers and individuals of the state. It is observed that everybody is under the surveillance of Big Brother all the time. Even a phrase "Big Brother is watching you" developed as an after effect. It is not clear from the novel whether Big Brother was a real man or not. But the Party presents Big Brother as a real leader and one important one among the founder leaders of it. He is considered to be the leader of revolution also. O'Brien, a character in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four explains the cause which led to the development of Big Brother concept. According to O'Brien the aim of the Party is to gain power. It is not planning to create a heaven on earth. But need power only. The Party after capturing power is bothered only of remaining power, says O'Brien. To capture power they are thinking of bringing changes in the mindset of people. Make them stay off from enjoyments in life and Party believes that through this society also will undergo a change which will be favorable to the Party. If it is possible to bring this change in the society, the Party leaders hope that they capture power. Such a society will not have any good qualities like mercy or love. It will be a society with no space for art, literature or even science. Absence of such areas will give birth to such a situation in which people won't be having much topics other than party to think of.

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